What is BIFL?
BIFL is a comedic webseries (with a lot of drama) created by and for a wide variety of LGBTQIA+ identities. The series is about intersectionality grounded in meaningful, real-life situations; both behind and in front of the camera, it's about our communities being seen and heard.
BIFL is expectations, different shades of intimacy, and what it really means to love someone. Blood family versus found family and how toxic relationships can both manifest and disguise themselves. How identities intersect, how labels can matter but don't have to, and how perception isn't always reality.

JILL played by Anisha Adusumilli
Uncomfortable, bi, might be in love with her best friend. Tries her best, but awkwardly. People pleaser, avoids confrontation at almost any cost. A total dork when she tries to be cool.

SARAH played by Mandahla Rose
Non-binary ace lesbian. No bullshit. Zumba and fashion enthusiast. A leader in every situation. Like a koala: Small, surprisingly vicious, and you just want to squeeze them.

CHLOE played by Andrea Nelson
Literal sunshine. Shares her Netflix password. Jill's best friend and unabashed extrovert. Would definitely punch a clown for you. A human in puppy dog form; she has great intentions, and is completely naive to the damage she sometimes does.

TAYLOR played by Elizabeth Peterson
Sarcastic, smart as hell, and tired of your shit. Is struggling under the weight of an overbearing sister and a recent breakup. Always honest, even when it's harsh. She deals with her anxiety by lashing out.

OLIVER played by Michael Sasaki
Aromantic bi, Sarah's platonic best friend, & might be made of actual gold. The best human. Can be trusted with anything, is always there with a non-judgemental ear and a brownie. Or five.

BETH played by Haviland Stillwell
Taylor's preppy, overbearing and micro-managing sister. She loves Taylor dearly, and doesn't understand why she just can't "think happy thoughts" and feel better. Beth hides her own emotions under a veneer of perfectionism.

KYLE played by Christopher Dietrick
Life-sized can of Axe body spray. Attracted to most things with legs. Prefers action to talking- what's the point? Straight-forward, confident, knows what he wants. It's probably a good time. And sex. Definitely sex.

MATT played by Philip Orazio
Oliver's roommate and the well-intentioned white, cis straight man who tries his best but often falls short. Is totally loveable, utterly annoying, and often unaware how hurtful his ignorance can be.


Daren Taylor
Daren Taylor is an accomplished director who firmly believes in uplifting voices that are underrepresented. There is power in storytelling, & Daren focuses on developing original stories that build community & awareness. For the last 15 years, he has built a reputation for being a compassionate, motivated, & inspiring collaborator/leader who is always looking for challenging stories to tell.

Amber is an editor at heart & uses that experience to give a unique perspective as a producer. She strives to bring out the best in the crew she's surrounded by, starting with broad strokes of story in the development phase all the way through to the tiny details in post production. Her collaborative nature & determination for positive LGBTQ+ representation in the media are the groundworks for her as a creative storyteller.

Kelsey O'Regan used fanfiction to find their storytelling groove, hopping from fandom to fandom before turning their passion into original works. Their priority is quality LGBT representation, but also to stay away from more overwrought narrative tropes and instead explore the inherent drama in being human.

Jill Rivera
Jill began her editing career with behind-the-scenes documentaries on large studio films and reality television shows. She has since expanded her work to include live concert editing, music videos, promotional videos, and scripted shorts and series'. BIFL is her fifth narrative project in the past year and is her most rewarding thus far.

Jennifer hook
director of photography
Jennifer Hook has a major in Film Studies & ten years of experience in narrative, documentary, & live productions. Her favorite projects are those which challenge her to change her personal shooting style to fit the theme of the story being told. Her favorite sets to work on are those which foster a sense of community & lead to friendships & working relationships lasting far beyond any one single project.

unCONventional Episode 11:
Film Fest Fabulosity
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Michael Sasaki
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Coming Out Pod Episode 11:
Mandahla Rose
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